My Mom has given me the joy of cooking dinner once a week for our family. Last Monday I made steak and veggies. Here are the recipes:
The veggies, I don't have a recipe for I just cut up whatever looks good to me (at this time it was potatoes, zuchini, onions, mushrooms, carrots, and celery) ,toss it with butter, salt, garlic, and pepper and bake it in the oven until the veggies are tender and then serve.
For the steak I found a recipe from my Rachel Ray cook books. I took several steaks and rubbed them with balsamic vinegar and let them sit. While they were sitting I prepared a rub of 1 and 1/2 tbsp of steak seasoning and a fourth cup brown sugar. I rubbed them with that. I then heated a skillet on the stove with veggie oil (you are suppose to use olive, but we were out :)). I laid the steaks one to two at a time on the pan and cooked them each 3-4 minutes on each side. Enjoy!
PS The picture up above is the meat before I had cooked it.
That lookes great, well if it was cooked.
yuck i hate raw meat... other than that it looks very good:)
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